Anatometal Circular Barbell (horseshoe) in Titanium
$ 50.00 Excl. tax
Industrial Strength Flat Back Labret Post - Press-Fit large disk back
$ 15.00 Excl. tax
Industrial Strength 12g Threaded Straight Barbell - priced w/o ends
$ 20.00 Excl. tax
Anatometal Threaded Curved Barbell - priced w/o ends
$ 20.00 Excl. tax
Industrial Strength Press-Fit Small Flat Back Post (18gauge)
$ 15.00 Excl. tax
Industrial Strength 10g Threaded Straight Barbell (post only, ends sold separately)
$ 35.00 Excl. tax
Industrial Strength Threaded Labret - Titanium
$ 20.00 Excl. tax
Anatometal Press-Fit Post with Ball Back
$ 15.00 Excl. tax
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on orders of $100 or more!
Intrinsic Mini Gem Curve - 16g Threaded
$ 70.00 Excl. tax